Rejoice, mysterious-merchant-who-sells-tantalizing-items fans: Destiny 2’s Xur is no longer bugged. After an extended period in which a bug was causing the armor he sold to have stats that made them worthless for many players, Bungie has sorted out the issue, and Xur is again worth paying a visit. The paracausal horse will no doubt be pleased, although a new issue has also emerged.
Xur visits Destiny 2 each weekend to sell a randomized assortment of items, including one Exotic weapon and one piece of Exotic armor for each class. While Exotic weapons are all identical to other copies of themselves, Exotic armor features stat rolls like any other piece of armor. And therein lies one of the primary appeals of Xur’s visits: It’s not only a way to fill out your Exotic collection with anything you may not have otherwise collected, but even if you have everything, it’s a way to obtain Exotic armor that either has better stats than the version you already own or at least offers a stat allocation that is more conducive to your play style.